Instant Vehicle Reports

Avoid buying a vehicle with costly hidden problems.
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VIN should contain at most 30 characters.
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Explore Our Tools

Explore each of our state-of-the-art tools below to find out everything you need to know about a specific vehicle.

Vehicle History Reports

Get detailed vehicle history reports with Car-Lookup. Enter the VIN or license plate to access key details like title records, accident history, damage reports, usage (personal, rental, commercial, taxi, or police), mileage, odometer rollback alerts, total loss incidents, and damage from flood, hail, or fire. Trust Car-Lookup for reliable and comprehensive vehicle insights.

Residual Values

Get detailed vehicle history reports with Car-Lookup. Enter the VIN or license plate to access key details like title records, accident history, damage reports, usage (personal, rental, commercial, taxi, or police), mileage, odometer rollback alerts, total loss incidents, and damage from flood, hail, or fire. Trust Car-Lookup for reliable and comprehensive vehicle insights.

VIN Decoder

A VIN is a vehicle's 17-digit unique identifier. Using Car-Lookup's powerful VIN Decoder, you can uncover the true meaning behind these characters. In just minutes, you can discover where the car was manufactured, its model year, factory of origin, and much more—information that most dealers won't disclose.

Recall Lookup

Stay up to date with your vehicle's safety! Instantly check what the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reports about your car.

Why choose Car-Lookup?
The world's largest database of vehicle history information
100% committed to customer satisfaction
Transparent, independent and neutral
CarLookup is a top-tier car report service, offering comprehensive VIN and license plate lookups for vehicles registered in the United States. We provide fast, reliable access to essential automobile history data for both individuals and businesses.
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